A proper estate plan is made up of many moving parts. Like a well oiled machine, a trust, will, power of attorney, and other documents work together to protect your family, your health, and yourself. Your family’s needs and your own protection need to…

Avoiding the high costs of formal probate with revocable trusts is one of the highest priorities of modern estate planning. The misconception around trusts is that they are only for replacing a will. Trusts allow you to plan for your living needs as much as for your passing…

Powers of attorney are legal documents, whether durable or not, that grant an agent the legal right to act on behalf of his principal. One of the most powerful tools available, a power of attorney allows your will to be there when you can’t physically or mentally be…

Advance Healthcare Directives are one of the specialty uses of a power of attorney. Healthcare Directives permit you to set your wishes regarding your personal care and body. Most importantly, healthcare directives take the heaviest of burdens from your loved ones…

The average person has little or no experience dealing with trusts. As the settlor who created the trust and acts as the first trustee, things are fairly straight-forward. But as the successor trustee the rules are more complex and restrictive. New trustees have many…

Special needs trusts, also known as supplemental needs trusts, are specially designed to provide care and trust benefits to physically or mentally disabled persons who are receiving public government benefits. Special needs trust are written so that…

Revocable living trusts are controlled by contract law and can be amended under the terms of the trust. During the the life of the settlor, the creator of the trust, terms usually permit the trust to be modified to adjust to changes in your life. Common reasons for…

Your living trust is only useful when the trust is funded with assets. You need to understand how to transfer and which assets belong in your revocable living trust. You may also need to understand the impact of transferring assets into an irrevocable living…
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