Your identity speaks as much to you as it does to those around you. You have the right and the means to have the name you want. If your life has changed, you also have …

Your parents and elders may be at risk or have already been taken advantage of. You need to be able to prevent and correct the injustices that happen when your …

You may have made mistakes in your past. But you don’t have to live with the shame or fear of having to explain your misdemeanor arrest record everytime …

You have the right to be protected from abuse, stalking, harassment, and harm from neighbors, strangers, or even friends and family. You don’t have to put up with threats …

Powers of attorney are legal documents, whether durable or not, that grant an agent the legal right to act on behalf of his principal. One of the most powerful tools available, …

You should never live in fear of harm from your family or relationships, current or past. If you are feeling threatened or harassed by a close family member, spouse, or …
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